The Words of Fear

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Ever since the very beginning,
I was there.

When the fish swam toward a dark cave, 
I said: “Don’t swim there. You won’t be able to see where you’re going.” 
And the fish obeyed.

When the amphibians crawled out of the water and onto the land, 
I said: “Don’t go too far. You have no idea what could be out there.” 
And the amphibians obeyed.

When the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, searching for their next meal, 
I said: “Don’t attack that herd. Their leader is strong and killed one of your own.” 
And the dinosaurs obeyed.

When the mammals were ambushed by a pack of carnivores, 
I said: “Watch out! Run away! Their teeth are sharp, and their legs are fast!” 
And the mammals obeyed.

When the primates jumped from tree to tree, 
I said: “Don’t jump that gap. It’s too wide. You won’t make it.” 
And the primates obeyed.

When the climate grew cold and the ape’s trees grew sparse, 
I said: “Leave the trees and look for more elsewhere.”
And the apes obeyed. 

When hominids first dropped down from the trees 
I said: “Pick up that rock and stick. You may need to fight.”
And the hominids obeyed.

When man discovered how to farm, 
I said: “Take rocks and build a wall. Others will want your crops.” 
And mankind obeyed.

When the Neanderthals moved closer and closer to man’s property, 
I said: “They could take everything you have away from you. Take up arms! Drive them off!”
And they both obeyed.

When tyrants took control and peasants resented their masters, 
I said: “They have an army. Just keep your head down, and you’ll be fine.” 
And the peasants obeyed.

And ever since then, they heeded my words,
but all the while, they turned against me. 
They called me “weak, cowardly, dishonorable.” 
They believed me to be nothing 
more than an obstacle. 
But I whisper to them still. And I will 
whisper my wisdom to them for eternity.
Because I love them, 
and all I’ve ever wanted was to 
save them.

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