A Walk in a Park: A Haibun

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Their feet create a rhythm with each step against the cracked path—the beat of four paws, the beat of two feet. A green everglow acts as a halo glaze over the sky, luminous and hazy; some streaks of gold flash between the leaves, flash between the bird calls– ringing of music. The essence of mid-July hangs heavy in the air, and the branches of the trees arching over the path. 

They feel the wind in their hair: in their fur, a desired distraction from the emperor, king sun. Taste the pollen swimming through the air: one sneezes. The Bumblebee buzzes, flying by them toward the nearby lavender. Lavender, sweet like a mother’s love: soft like a blanket on the coldest nights. Two companions side by side, step by step–

A timeless journey;
A care deeper than tree roots;
Until a lone walk. 

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