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If one could choose to be a different person, what would they do?
How would they change the intricacies of their present identity? 
One could only hope to take their preconceived canvas 
and transfer it over to a glass. 
In which they could cover it over, 
and change the grueling details people care too much about. 
A mask that consumes, 
and alters characterization. 
A self portrait painted over and over again– 
out of anger, 
or insecurity, 
or self destruction,
all to fit into a facade of being ‘presentable’.
Crafting oneself into a mosaic they were never meant to fill,
to hide the manic laughter, the tears, the cries for help,
to be brand new,
only for the glass to break,
for the curtains to fall on one’s fear;
their true identity.

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